Tuesday, April 21, 2009

6-Minute Meals for 6-Pack Abs

Ted Spiker & David Zinczenko describe a meal plan that will shrink your gut -- and fill it at the same time!

Abs, after all, aren't made in the gym, they write -- they're made in the kitchen. What you put into your mouth is far more important than what you put into your workout.

For example, in an analysis of 33 clinical trials, Brazilian researchers determined that diet controls about 75 percent of weight loss. Of course, that doesn't mean exercise isn't an important part of the fat-burning formula. But if you want the fastest results, a smart eating plan is the foundation of your gut-busting program.

So that's why they're introducing the Abs Diet Arsenal: easy guidelines that can make you lean for life. They're based on their book The Abs Diet, which has guided more than a million people in making permanent changes in their food intake and fat output.

This is a highly recommended read, and the article can be found: here

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