Friday, February 27, 2009

How to Fix Your Water Damaged Cell Phone

It's happened to all of us - whether you've dropped your cellphone in a beer, in the kitchen sink, or even accidentally flushed it down the toilet... This article explains what to do when if you drop your cellphone in water.

The first few moments are crucial, so make sure you remove the battery, remove the SIM card and all the covers. Then it says use a vacuum, shake it dry and leave it on a papertowel before putting it in a box of dried rice overnight.

The key thing is that under no circumstances are you to try and switch on the phone!

And yes, the reason for this post is because all three of the above examples have happened to me, and while so far I've got the first two phones back to working order - I'm currently working on phone number 3... It is possible though, so good luck!

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Maddio said...

Geez Dom, three times!?! Here's a recommendation: don't ever take your phone out of your pocket. Ever. I dropped my phone in beer once, my phone's screen then made a nice aquarium. haha